A short blog post for a time of year when life suddenly becomes a lot busier.
A few weeks ago, I had a thought that changed my day, and some days since then….
Can I meet this moment with more expansiveness?
It’s just a thought. It’s not a requirement to change or do anything except ask the question. I chose expansiveness instead of contraction, stiffening, narrowing my field of vision in reaction to feeling overwhelmed by my schedule.
On another day, it could just as easily be:
Curiosity instead of assumptions
Attention to the process instead of an expected outcome
Lightness instead of…
Openness instead of…
A free neck instead of…
You can probably think of some of your own. Offer yourself a possibility. It only takes a moment.
4 Responses
Lovely, thanks Pam.
Thanks, Christine!
A little pearl of wisdom , a pause for breath in the middle of a busy day. Thanks, Pam!
Thanks, Diane!